
Known for their iconic spiky towers of flowers in shades ranging from vibrant blues and purples to soft pinks and whites, delphiniums stand tall, reaching heights of up to 2 meters. Flowering from June through July, they create a striking backdrop alongside roses, peonies, and lupins in cottage garden settings. To thrive, plant delphiniums in well-draining soil in a sunny spot, ensuring they receive ample sunlight. Staking is essential to support their tall stems, and weekly feeding with a high potash fertiliser promotes robust growth and abundant blooms. Explore our collection and discover how delphiniums can bring your garden to life.

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Delphinium Plants FAQs

Take a look at some of the frequently asked questions we receive from those looking to buy Delphinium Plants in the UK. You can contact our Customer Service Team or browse our general FAQs for further advice.

When to plant Delphinium Plants

Delphinium plants should be planted either in early spring or early autumn. In early spring, wait until after the last frost when the soil has warmed and is manageable. Autumn planting allows for root establishment before winter, ensuring strong growth in the following spring. Select a sunny or partially shaded spot with well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Regular watering and feeding with a balanced fertiliser are essential to support their growth and vibrant flowering throughout the season.

How to Plant Delphinium Plants

To plant delphinium plants, select a sunny or partially shaded area with well-drained, fertile soil enriched with organic matter. Dig holes slightly larger than the root balls, spacing plants 30-45 cm apart. Gently remove plants from their containers, ensuring minimal disturbance to the roots, and position them at the same depth as they were previously growing. Backfill with soil, gently firming around the base to remove air pockets, then water thoroughly. Staking may be necessary to support tall stems; place stakes at planting or shortly after to avoid root damage. Mulch lightly around the plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds, taking care not to cover the stems. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, and feeding with a balanced fertiliser throughout the growing season will encourage robust growth and abundant flowering of your delphiniums.

How long do Delphinium Plants take to grow

Delphinium plants typically take about one to two years to reach their full height and produce mature blooms. In the first year after planting, they establish a strong root system and develop foliage. Flowering usually occurs in the second year, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Providing well-drained soil, adequate sunlight, and regular watering is crucial for their growth and flowering. Staking tall varieties to support their stems helps prevent them from bending or breaking, especially in windy conditions. With proper care and attention, delphiniums will reward gardeners with spectacular spikes of colourful flowers each summer, adding beauty and elegance to garden borders and beds.

Why Grow Delphinium Plants?

Growing delphinium plants offers gardeners a wealth of aesthetic and practical benefits. Their tall, majestic spikes of vibrant flowers in shades of blue, pink, purple, and white create a striking focal point in garden borders and beds, complementing other cottage garden favourites like roses and peonies. Delphiniums attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to garden biodiversity. They thrive in well-drained soil and sunny locations, making them versatile additions to a variety of garden styles and settings. With proper care, including staking for support and regular feeding, delphiniums reward gardeners with a profusion of blooms each summer, enhancing the beauty and charm of outdoor spaces with their graceful presence and enduring appeal.

Where can you grow Delphinium Plants?

Delphinium plants can be grown in various garden settings, provided they have the right conditions. They thrive in locations with cool to temperate climates, making them suitable for gardens in the UK, Europe, North America, and similar regions. Delphiniums prefer well-drained soil that is fertile and slightly alkaline, with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. They require full sun to partial shade, though they tend to bloom more profusely in full sun. Ideal locations include cottage gardens, perennial borders, and mixed herbaceous borders, where their tall spikes can provide vertical interest and contrast with lower-growing plants. Delphiniums also perform well in containers, particularly dwarf varieties, and can be grown alongside other sun-loving perennials and annuals to create vibrant and dynamic garden displays.

Why Buy Delphinium Plants from Marshalls?

  • Our customers are supported by a team of experts dedicated to providing valuable advice. You can also use our growing guides, backed by 70 years of experience, to get the best results from your Delphinium Plants and other plants.
  • You can contact us six days a week – including bank holidays – to discuss our products and services or to chat about all things gardening.
  • We pride ourselves on offering fast delivery on all orders, with any 'in stock' plants and seeds sent out within three working days. We're green-fingered in more ways than one, too, thanks to our fully recyclable packaging.
  • We won second place at the 2022 Great British Growing Awards for Best Online Retailer.
  • Thousands of five-star reviews on Trustpilot and a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our products show that we're a company you can trust.